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Sick Child Visit Specialist

Optimum Medical, LLC

Jacques E Etienne, MD, FAAP

Pediatrician located in Danbury, CT

For parents struggling to soothe a sick or injured child, finding relief is the top priority. That’s why Jacques Etienne, MD, FAAP, and the team at Optimum Medical, LLC, in Danbury, Connecticut, offer outstanding sick visit appointments on an as-needed basis. Simply call the office to get on the schedule, and remember that online booking is also an option for less urgent scheduling needs.

Sick Child Visit Q & A

What are sick visits?

As the name implies, sick visits are pediatric appointments focused on a specific illness or injury. Though the majority of your appointments at Optimum Medical are well-child visits, virtually all families will need to come in for sick visits from time to time. 

Some of the issues that can be assessed and treated during a sick visit include:

  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Skin rash
  • Diarrhea and constipation
  • Abrasions and minor lacerations
  • Sprains and strains
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Headaches

Many childhood illnesses and injuries will resolve on their own after a couple of days of self-care. However, if your little one is in significant discomfort or you are worried about their symptoms, feel free to schedule a sick visit. 

How do I know when to bring my child in for a sick visit?

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to scheduling a sick visit. The best approach is to assess your child’s condition and whether it is improving or getting worse. 

Fever can often be controlled with over-the-counter children’s medications. Be sure your child is taking in sufficient fluids to prevent dehydration. 

Occasional headaches and other pains can be treated with over-the-counter pain medications formulated for kids. Be sure to read dosing instructions thoroughly. 

If your child is having severe symptoms or their condition hasn’t improved over time, a sick visit might be the best course of action. Your child will receive top-quality treatment, and you’ll receive peace of mind, which is invaluable for parents caring for a sick child. 

How can I prepare for sick visits?

The best way to prepare for a sick visit is to compile a list of any medications your child is taking or any conditions for which they’ve been treated. This information gives your pediatrician a great starting point for assessing current symptoms. 

If any changes occurred prior to the onset of symptoms, this can also be helpful to share. For example, a sudden skin rash or breathing difficulties that occur after a new pet comes into the home might indicate allergies. Exposure to someone with COVID-19 or another virus is also important information to share. 

It can also be helpful to bring in a pen and paper to take down notes. Caring for a sick child is stressful, and you’ll want to remember Dr. Etienne’s instructions once you arrive back home. 

Same-day appointments are often available for sick visits. Just call the office to check availability, and remember that online scheduling is always an option for more routine appointments.